Sunday, August 22, 2010

As A Man Thinks...

Success, just as failure, is simply a state of mind. Even in what one might consider failure there is success. It may be some time down the road before it is realized, but it is there for somebody to find. In all experiences there is learning. Application is sometimes the most difficult part. Our attitude determines so much when it comes to the challenges we face.


  1. Glad you're doing this, Mark. I admire all your hard work, your tenacity, and your hopeful spirit. You inspire and motivate me. I see you as a successful person already and I know you have everything it takes to be a career success as well. Keep it up. All your learning experiences have helped others and they will pay off for you someday.

    Carolane Hill
    Grace's Place

  2. Thank you Carolane! Your comments only "fuel my fire!".
